
  • Budi Rianto STIKes Budi Luhur Cimahi
  • Ryka Juaeriah
  • Murniati murniati




Children under five years old are the age that determines human life for good growth and development in the future. Many factors can influence a toddler's health, such as socio-economic conditions, breastfeeding, and the mother's habits during pregnancy as mother's nutritional intake pattern, pregnancy checks and the place of delivery of the mother, as well as giving breast milk to the baby. This method is a descriptive analytical survey with a total of 96 respondents. Research results risert are 77.1% had an income of 1-5 million, 52.1% had never been sick, Obtaining p value of 0.689 > 0.05, it was concluded that there was no relationship between Family Understanding and toddler health. Correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and the health of children under five obtained a p value of 0.002 <0.05, so there is a relationship between breastfeeding and the health of children under five. Some habits of mothers during pregnancy are food restrictions 90.8%, no food restrictions, p value = 0.112, 72.9% place of prenatal examination at the midwife, p value = 0.041, place of delivery 52.1% at the midwife's practice place, p value = 0.964, and there are 70.8% of pregnant women who do not have cravings, p value = 0.711. The variable that is related to the health of children under five is the maternal examination variable during pregnancy with a value of p = 0.041. The suggestion is that pregnant women routinely check their pregnancies and provide exclusive breast milk to their babies.

Keywords: Socioeconomic, Toddlers, Exclusive Breastfeeding


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