
  • Dewi Nurlaela Sari STIKes Budi Luhur Cimahi
  • Iceu Mulyati



Teenage sexual and reproductive health (TSRH) is a serious public health issue in Sumedang, West Java. Nonetheless, due in part to a lack of data, disparities in TSRH have not gotten as much attention as many other primary public health concerns. We look at disparities in important TSRH variables in this research. In order to investigate trends and disparities in teenage behaviors linked to early marriage, childbirth, and sexual debut among adolescents, we examined national household surveys from 26 sub-districts in Sumedang From 2021-2022. The surveys included data from respondents aged 15 to 24. Estimates for the TSRH indicators were obtained by doing survival analyses on every survey. Multilevel linear regression modeling was used to obtain data across Sumedang Regency for all indicators, disaggregated by gender, age, household wealth, urban-rural residence and educational status (primary or lower education versus secondary or higher education). Prior to 2021, 28% of teenage girls in Sumedang were married before becoming 18, and this percentage increased at an average yearly rate of 1.5% between 2021 and 2022. Meanwhile, 47% of females delivered birth before turning 20, a rate that is declining by 0.6% annually. In boys, child marriage is uncommon (2.5%). Before turning 18, 54% of females and 43% of boys, respectively, have their sexual debut. higher for early adolescent indicators (10–14 years old). Significant inequalities have been noted in marriage and childbirth between teenage females from rural to urban settings, as well as between the poorest and richest households. Early marriage, childbearing and sexual debut have increased in Sumedang Regency in the last 3 years, gaps remain or have become larger. In particular, rural, less educated and poorer adolescent girls continue to face higher TSRH risk and vulnerability. Greater attention to gaps in TSRH is needed so that interventions can be better targeted and progress monitored.

Keywords: Child marriage, Childbearing, Inequalities, Sexual debut, Teenage


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